Save the completion certificate and email to Anne Felosak.
If you are a BSA registered adult, verify that your BSA ID is in your My Scouting profile
While we are compliant with current training requirements, we need your help in preparing for October - Crew is 60% completed / Troop is 18% completed with new training.
The new Policies Include:
By October 1, 2018, all new and currently registered leaders will be required to complete the updated training.
Adults accompanying units on activities who are present at the activity for 72 hours or more, must also take Youth Protection Training. The 72 hours need not be consecutive.
New leaders are required to take Youth Protection Training prior to completing the registration process.
Units cannot re-charter unless all unit leaders have completed YPT within two years.
Adult Youth Protection Training is required for adult program participants 18 years or older. Adult program participants (Venturing, Order of the Arrow, Exploring) must complete adult Youth Protection Training before submitting their adult application.
BSA policy that when tenting, youth must be NOT more than 2 years apart in age unless relatives.
BSA policy that no one (youth or adult) may share an accommodation (tent) with a member of the opposite sex other than their spouse.
BSA policy that “buddies” must be NOT more than 2 years apart in age and the same level of maturity.
The enhanced and updated content will allow leaders and councils to comply with all current legal requirements. While this may be inconvenient for some, it reflects the BSA’s commitment to the safety of all youth.
The First Installment will be due for Philmont no later than 9/25. $435 will be due. We are currently working on the training plan for fall of 2018 and also spring of 2019 in order to be ready for this High Adventure Trip. We plan on sharing this very soon. For those attending, a certain participation rate will be expected with a few weekend back pack trips that will require mandatory attendance.